My Email Is Not Working. What Do I Do?

My Email Is Not Working. What Do I Do?
Please select from options below:
- Email not working on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
- Email not working on Mac
- Email not working on Blackberry
- Email not working on Windows 10
- Email not working on Outlook
- Email not working on Android
or check the following:
BTW If you are not a IT Monteur’s Email Firm customer yet consider ordering our hosting services which include professional personalised email accounts.
Normally most email issues can be resolved by some basic checks to make sure that the settings are correct. In summary we just need to double check a few settings which are very easy to do & can be summarized as:
1. Check Nameservers
2. Check Billing is up to date
3. Check Password for email address
4. Check Email Account Quota
5. Check if disk usage is exceeded
6. Check Configuration
7. Try Server-Name in place of domain name
These steps are detailed below – please take care to go through them in order, they should only take a couple of minutes:
1. Check Nameservers – Check that your domain name is pointing to the correct name servers where your email is hosted.
– if you check your welcome email from when you signed up to your hosting service you will find the correct settings. If you do not have the settings then please ask our 24 hour support team & they will confirm for you.
2. Check Billing is Up to Date – If your Nameservers are correct, please double check that your hosting is paid up to date by logging into your Customer Billing Area
3. Check Password for Email Address – Check that you have the correct user name and password for your email account. The username should be of the format””, and password is case sensitive. The quickest way to check this is to login to your Webmail. You can do this by going to
(Please replace ENTERYOURDOMAINHERE with your domain name).
You are then prompted to enter the email address & the password. If you are able to login to webmail then this means that the password is valid for that email address so we can proceed to the next step.
3. A. Reset Email Password if Necessary – If your password is not accepted then this just means that you need to login to your Web Hosting Control Panel & reset the password for your email address. To do this, all you need to do is to login to your web hosting control panel & select the “Email Accounts” icon & then select the option to change your password. The following link shows you exactly how to log in to your web hosting Control Panel.
4. Check Email Account Quota – Next we need to check if your email quota is full because if this is happening then that will stop new emails from being accepted on the server. To do this, login to your web hosting control panel (see point 3 A above) & select the “Email Accounts” icon & then go down to the list of email addresses & you can see a summary of email accounts & the quota for each. If your email account is full then you just need to either delete some emails via webmail (see point 3 above) or you can simply increase the disk space quota for your email address by selecting “Change Quota” (we do not recommend setting to unlimited if possible).
5. Check if disk usage is exceeded – If your email client doesn’t let you connect to the server and throws at you a ‘login failed/incorrect password’ error, you are likely to have exceeded your disk usage. It’s not the quota of any specific email account that has gone over the limit, but the disk usage of your entire hosting account. You should regularly keep an eye on your disk usage to ensure it always stays within the limit. Steps on how to find the disk usage.
You can confirm if your disk usage has been exceeded by simply trying to login to your cPanel. If it is over-quota, cPanel wouldn’t let you in. You could then contact support who will look into it for you. Once you have verified that your nameservers, billing, password & quota details are correct we can now run through some trouble shooting to find out where the issue is.
6. Check Configuration – For your email software to be able to send & receive emails then the configuration settings need to be set as shown below. You can find these settings in your email´s software. For example, in Microsoft Outlook or Windows Live Mail you just need to select Tools/Accounts & then in the Servers tab please ensure that your settings are:
> E-mail Address: Your complete email address (see point 3 above)
> Password: Your email password (see point 3 above)
> My Incoming Server is a: POP3
> Incoming mail server (POP3): mail.domain (eg: if your domain is your settings would be
> Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.domain (eg: if your domain is your settings would be
> Remember password: Select Yes by ticking the box to confirm
> Server requires Authentication: Select Yes by ticking the box to confirm
Then select the Advanced options and check the following:
Outbound SMTP Port: 25 or 26 [Some ISPs block port 25 traffic to reduce spamming. If you are unable to send out mails through port 25, try port 26. ]
Inbound POP3 Port: 110
Do not select the option to leave a copy on the server as this will eventually fill up your web space if you select this option.
7. Try Server-Name in place of domain name – Still not working? OK, it could be that your ISP does not recognize the mail server settings so we will try replacing these one at a time with the main server-name of the server.
To do this please follow these steps:
A. Get your server-name from the product welcome mail.
B. Go back to point 6 above & first replace the incoming mail server (POP3) with the nameserver (i.e. using the example in the above article, we would replace with Try again.
C. If it still does not work change the incoming mail server (POP3) back to its original setting (eg: & then change the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) to the server name (i.e. using the above example we would replace with & try again.
D. If it still does not work, please change both Incoming & Outgoing to the server-name (i.e. using the above example
we would replace twice with
If you still are unable to configure your email, consider getting your own domain name with personalised email accounts eg: (
I hope you found this information useful on how to fix your email issues.